Nov 16: Afternoon Tea & Bake Sale

Our Annual Afternoon Tea & Bake Sale takes place on Saturday,
November 16, 2019 at 2:30 P. M. – and we need HELP! We especially
need items for the Bake Stall so if you are able to contribute baked
goods, pickles, jams, etc., that would be really appreciated. Donations
can be brought in on Friday night (Nov 15th) after 7 p.m. Help is also
needed for setting up, cleaning up, providing food for the tea tables,
serving, filling plates and so on! If you are available and willing to help,
please speak to Lillian Crawford, Janet Calver or Janet Aitken or Monica
in the Church Office. Tickets ($8.00) are available now or can be
purchased at the door. Come, bring a friend, and enjoy an afternoon of
good food and fellowship!